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File: BlockStorage.idl
Contains: External interfaces to Block Storage Family
Version: Technology: Copland
Release: Universal Interfaces 3.0d3 on Copland DR1
Copyright: © 1984-1996 by Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
Bugs?: If you find a problem with this file, send the file and version
information (from above) and the problem description to:
Internet: apple.bugs@applelink.apple.com
#include <somobj.idl>
#include <somcls.idl>
#ifndef __TYPES_IDL__
#include <Types.idl>
#ifndef __MATH64_IDL__
#include <Math64.idl>
#ifndef __ERRORS_IDL__
#include <Errors.idl>
#include <NameRegistry.idl>
#include <IOMemoryLists.idl>
#ifndef __IOITERATOR_IDL__
#include <IOIterator.idl>
#ifdef __SOMIDL__
Block Storage Constants
Store property names
Container property names
StoreOpenOptions is the set of permissions available when making a Connection
to a Store. These options can be OR'd together in any combination.
typedef UInt32 BSStoreOpenOptions;
BSContainerOpenOptions is the set of permissions available when making a
Connection to a Container. These options can be OR'd together in any combination.
typedef UInt32 BSContainerOpenOptions;
Accessibility states
Accessibility States indicate how accessible a Block Storage Container or
Store is. There are four currently defined. Their absolute values
are unimportant, but have been split across fairly large ranges to
allow for future values to be inserted between them.
kBSOnline and kBSOffline represent the two extremes of accessibility -
nothing can be less accessible than kBSOffline (that is the state you
send a Store to when you are about to delete it) and nothing can be
more online than kBSOnline, which means you are fully, 100% available.
typedef UInt32 BSAccessibilityState;
Component types
typedef UInt32 BSComponentType;
Block List Seek specifiers
typedef UInt32 BSBlockListWhence;
Selectors for BSStoreGetDeviceData - specifies which set of Stores to
typedef UInt32 BSStoreGetSelector;
Format specifiers - these are generic categories. There may be further
distinctions within these categories for number of blocks, etc.
typedef OSType BSStoreFormatType;
/* Maximum number of formats a Mapping plug-in can support */
Block Storage Error codes
Basic error types
Block Storage Error ID
Block Storage Error Categories
Family Errors
Expert Errors
Mapping Plug-in Errors
Partitioning Plug-in Errors
Container Plug-in Errors
Block List Errors
Block Storage Types and Structures
Store and Container Persistent Identifiers
typedef OpaquePtr BSStoreID; /* Substituted OpaquePtr for array of char of size 12 */
typedef OpaquePtr BSContainerID; /* Substituted OpaquePtr for array of char of size 12 */
Connection ID's
typedef ObjectID BSContainerConnID;
typedef ObjectID BSStoreConnID;
Plug-in run-time references. References the plug-in in general, not
a specific instance of it
typedef OpaquePtr BSMappingPlugInRef;
typedef OpaquePtr BSPartitioningPlugInRef;
typedef OpaquePtr BSContainerPlugInRef;
Store and Container Run-Time References
typedef RegEntryRef BSStoreRef;
typedef RegEntryRef BSContainerRef;
Store and Container Navigation API types
typedef ObjectID BSStoreIteratorID;
typedef ObjectID BSContainerIteratorID;
typedef RegPropertyInstance BSStorePropertyInstance;
typedef RegPropertyInstance BSContainerPropertyInstance;
Device block descriptor types
typedef UInt64 BSByteCount;
typedef OpaquePtr BSBlockListRef;
typedef OpaquePtr BSBlockListDescriptorRef;
BSBlockListDescriptorInfo - information about a Block List Descriptor
typedef SOMLargeStruct BSBlockListDescriptorInfo; /* Derived from a struct of 28 bytes in size */
typedef OpaquePtr BSBlockListDescriptorInfoPtr; /* Substituted OpaquePtr for ``BSBlockListDescriptorInfo*'' */
typedef ItemCount BSFormatIndex;
typedef SOMLargeStruct BSStoreFormatInfo; /* Derived from a struct of 16 bytes in size */
BSStoreInfo is used to return information about a Store
typedef SOMLargeStruct BSStoreInfo; /* Derived from a struct of 517 bytes in size */
typedef OpaquePtr BSStoreInfoPtr; /* Substituted OpaquePtr for ``BSStoreInfo*'' */
BSContainerInfo is used to return information about a Container
typedef SOMLargeStruct BSContainerInfo; /* Derived from a struct of 21 bytes in size */
typedef OpaquePtr BSContainerInfoPtr; /* Substituted OpaquePtr for ``BSContainerInfo*'' */
BSPartitionInfo is used to return information about a Partition
typedef SOMLargeStruct BSPartitionDescriptor; /* Derived from a struct of 325 bytes in size */
typedef OpaquePtr BSPartitionDescriptorPtr; /* Substituted OpaquePtr for ``BSPartitionDescriptor*'' */
BSStoreComponent describes a component of a Store. A component may
be an external device or another Store.
typedef SOMLargeStruct BSStoreComponent; /* Derived from a struct of 369 bytes in size */
typedef OpaquePtr BSStoreComponentPtr; /* Substituted OpaquePtr for ``BSStoreComponent*'' */
typedef SOMLargeStruct BSStoreIOIteratorData; /* Derived from a struct of 537 bytes in size */
Block Storage API Functions
These functions make up the Block Storage API. All functions are callable
from the user or privileged bands. The API is split into the following
Navigation - operations to find a Store or Container and its
relationship to other Stores and Containers
Connections - operations to open and close connections with Stores and
Block Lists - operations to create and manipulate Block Lists, used
as inputs for I/O operations
I/O - operations to read and write date to Stores
Accessibility - operations to change the accessibility of Store and
Containers. Power-down and eject are handled via this interface
Configuration - operations to add new devices, replace plug-ins,
format and partition Stores and modify the relationships of
Stores and Containers to each other.
Block Storage Navigation API
BSStoreGetDeviceData - a simple iteration model to retrieve all of the
Stores, the leaf Stores or the primary Stores.
Inputs: selector - which set of Stores to retrieve
kBSStoreGetLeafStores retrieves leaf stores
kBSStoreGetAllStores retrieves all stores
kBSStoreGetPrimaryStores retrieves only primary stores
requestItemCount - the size of the buffer
Outputs: iteratorData - the array of BSStoreIOIteratorData structures
to be filled in
totalItemCount - the actual number of items available (may be
more than requestItemCount, though only requestItemCount
structures will be filled in in iteratorData)
Returns: E_BSSuccess if successful
BSStoreIteratorCreate - Creates an iterator for Block Storage Stores which
will be initially placed on startingStore. If starting Store is NULL
the iterator will be placed "in the soup" at the root of the Store
Inputs: startingStore - the Store to begin at
Outputs: newIterator - the returned iterator
Returns: E_BSSuccess if successful
BSStoreIteratorDispose - disposes of an iterator, freeing all resources
associated with it
Inputs: disposeIterator - the iterator to dispose
Outputs: <none>
Returns: E_BSSuccess if successful
BSStoreIteratorEnter - Moves the iterator into the child the iterator is
currently on, placing it on the first child
Inputs: iterator - the iterator to move
Outputs: newStore - the Store we've just exited
Returns: E_BSSuccessful
BSStoreIteratorExit - Moves the iterator into the parent the iterator is
currently on, placing the iterator on the Store it exited.
Inputs: iterator - the iterator to move
Outputs: newStore - the Store we've been placed on
Returns: E_BSSuccess if successful
BSStoreIteratorRestartChildren - Places the iterator on the first child
in the current Store
Inputs: iterator - the iterator to restart
Outputs: newChild - the child we've been placed on
Returns: E_BSSuccess if succesful
BSStoreIteratorRestartParent - Places the iterator on the first parent
in the current Store
Inputs: iterator - the iterator to restart
Outputs: newParent - the parent we've been placed on
Returns: E_BSSuccess if succesful
BSStoreIteratorNextChild - Moves the iterator to the next child
Inputs: iterator - the iterator to move
Outputs: newChild - the child we've been placed on
changed - true if a parent or child has been added or deleted
to this Store since the last BSStoreIteratorNextChild or
BSStoreIteratorNextParent call
Returns: E_BSSuccess if successful
BSStoreIteratorNextParent - Moves the iterator to the next parent
Inputs: iterator - iterator to move
changed - true if a parent or child has been added or deleted
since the last BSStoreIteratorNextChild or
BSStoreIteratorNextParent call
Outputs: newParent - the parent we've been placed on
Returns: E_BSSuccess if successful
BSContainerIteratorCreate - Creates an iterator for Block Storage Containers
which will be initially placed on startingContainer. If starting
Container is NULL the iterator will be placed "in the soup" at the root
of the Container hierarchy.
Inputs: startingContainer - the container to start at or NULL to start
at the root of the Container hierarchy
Outputs: newIterator - the created iterator
Returns: E_BSSuccess if successful
BSContainerIteratorDispose - disposes of an iterator, freeing all resources
associated with it
Inputs: disposeIterator - the iterator to dispose
Outputs: <none>
Returns: E_BSSuccess if successful
BSContainerIteratorEnter - Moves the iterator into the child the iterator is
currently on, placing it on the first child
Inputs: iterator - the iterator to move
Outputs: newContainer - the Container we've been placed on
Returns: E_BSSuccess if successful
BSContainerIteratorExit - exits to the parent of the current Container,
placing the iterator on the Container it exited. (Containers may have
only one parent)
Inputs: iterator - the iterator to move
Outputs: newContainer - the Container we've just exited
Returns: E_BSSuccess if successful
BSContainerIteratorRestartChildren - Places the iterator on the first child
in the current Container
Inputs: iterator - the iterator to restart
Outputs: newChild - the child we've been placed on
Returns: E_BSSuccess if succesful
BSContainerIteratorNextChild - Moves the iterator to the next child
Inputs: iterator - the iterator to move
Outputs: newChild - the child we've been placed on
changed - true if a child has been added or deleted to this
Container since the last BSContainerIteratorNextChild.
Returns: E_BSSuccess if successful
BSStoreFindByID - finds a Store by its identifier and returns a ref
Inputs: storeID - the Store ID to find
Outputs: foundStore - the found reference
Returns: E_BSSuccess if successful
BSStoreGetPropertySize - retrieves the size of the named property from the
Inputs: store - the Store to retrieve the property from
propertyName - the name of the property to retrieve the size of
propertyInstance - the instance of the property within this Store
Outputs: propertySize - filled in with the size of the property
Returns: E_BSSuccess if successful
BSStoreGetProperty - retrieves the named property from the Store.
Inputs: store - the Store to retrieve the property from
propertyName - the name of the property to retrieve the size of
propertyInstance - the instance of the property within this Store
propertySize - the size of the buffer passed in (on input)
Outputs: propertyValue - a pointer to the buffer to be filled in
propertySize - the size filled in (on exit)
Returns: E_BSSuccess if successful
BSContainerGetPropertySize - retrieves the size of the named property from
the Container.
Inputs: container - the Container to retrieve the property from
propertyName - the name of the property to retrieve the size of
propertyInstance - the instance of the property within this Store
Outputs: propertySize - filled in with the size of the property
Returns: E_BSSuccess if successful
BSContainerGetProperty - retrieves the named property from the Container.
Inputs: container - the Container to retrieve the property from
propertyName - the name of the property to retrieve the size of
propertyInstance - the instance of the property within this
propertySize - the size of the buffer passed in (on input)
Outputs: propertyValue - a pointer to the buffer to be filled in
propertySize - the size filled in (on exit)
Returns: E_BSSuccess if successful
Block Storage Connection Operations
BSStoreOpen - Opens a Connection to a Store
Inputs: store - the Store to be opened
options - options to the connection
Outputs: newConnection - the created connection if successful
Returns: E_BSSuccess on success
E_BSOutOfResources if resources for the connection cannot be allocated
E_BSStoreInUse if the Store has an exclusive connection or if an
exclusive connection was requested to a Store with any connections
E_BSStoreWriteProtected if Write access was requested to a read only
E_BSStoreNotFound if store did not match any existing Stores
BSStoreConnClose - closes a Connection to a Store
Inputs: connection - the connection to be closed
Outputs: <none>
Returns: E_BSSuccess if successful
E_BSBadConnection if the connection ID has problems
BSContainerOpen - Opens a Connection to a Container
Inputs: container - the Container to be opened
options - options to the connection
Outputs: newConnection - the created connection if successful
Returns: E_BSSuccess on success
E_BSOutOfResources if resources for the connection cannot be allocated
E_BSContainerInUse if the Container has an exclusive connection or if an
exclusive connection was requested to a Container with any connections
E_BSContainerNotFound if container did not match any existing Containers
BSContainerConnClose - closes a Connection to a Container
Inputs: connection - the connection to be closed
Outputs: <none>
Returns: E_BSSuccess if successful
E_BSBadConnection if the connection ID has problems
Block Storage Block List Operations
BSBlockListCreate - Creates a block list for use with Block Storage
Inputs: numAnticipatedRange - the number of ranges expected
Outputs: newList - the new list to which ranges may be added
Returns: E_BSSuccess if successful
BSBlockListAddRange - Appends a new range to an existing block list
Inputs: appendList - the list to add the new range to
startingOffset - the offset, in bytes on the device of the
start of the range
length - the length, in bytes, of the range
Outputs: <none>
Returns: E_BSSuccess if successful
BSBlockListFinalize - creates a descriptor to be used in a Block Storage
read or write call from the memory list. After this call has been made
no more ranges may be added to the list.
Inputs: finalizeList - the list to be finalized
Outputs: newDescriptor - the descriptor, to be used in a read/write call
Returns: E_BSSuccess if successful
BSBlockListDelete - Removes a Block List. All resources
associated with this Block List are relinquished. This includes memory
which was prepared for any of its descriptors. All descriptors are
invalidated. This call should only be used to clean-up Block Lists
in an abort condition. In normal usage, use BSBlockListDescriptorDelete
to remove all descriptors and free the Block List.
Inputs: deleteList - the descriptor to delete
Outputs: <none>
Returns: E_BSSuccess if successful
BSBlockListDescriptorDelete - Removes a Block List Descriptor. All resources
associated with this descriptor are relinquished. This includes memory
which was prepared for this descriptor. If this was the last descriptor
for a BlockList the BlockList is free'd also.
Inputs: deleteDescriptor - the descriptor to delete
Outputs: <none>
Returns: E_BSSuccess if successful
BSBlockListDescriptorSeek - Changes the offset within the Block List descriptor
Inputs: seekDescriptor - the descriptor to seek within
whence - how to seek
offset - where to seek
Outputs: newOffset - what the current offset is now
Returns: E_BSSuccess if successful
BSBlockListGetExtent - Gets an extent at the current offset for up to the
specified length
Inputs: srcDesriptor - the descriptor to get the extent from
requestedLen - how long an extent to try to get
Outputs: startingByte - the starting byte address in the device of the
extentLen - how long an extent within the descriptor was found
Returns: E_BSSuccess if successful
BSBlockListAddSimpleDescriptor - adds a new descriptor to a block list. The
new descriptor begins at the current offset of the srcDescriptor. The
offset of the srcDescriptor is updated to point at the first byte after
the end of the new descriptor.
Inputs: srcDescriptor - the descriptor to base the new descriptor upon
length - how much the new descriptor should cover
bias - the bias offset to be applied to the block address of
srcDescriptor. When addresses are retrieve from newDescriptor
bias will be added.
Outputs: newDescriptor - the new descriptor
Returns: E_BSSucess if successful
BSBlockListDescriptorGetInfo - returns information about the specified
Inputs: infoDescriptor - the descriptor to get information about
Outputs: info - the information
Returns: E_BSSuccess if successful
BSBlockListDescriptorCheckBlockSizes - checks the extents specified by the
descriptor and ensures that all start at 0 mod blockSize and are
0 mod blockSize in length.
Inputs: checkDescriptor - the descriptor to check
blockSize - the block size to check for
Outputs: <none>
Returns: E_BSSuccess if successful
E_BSBlockListBadBlockSize if any extents are mis-aligned
BSBlockListDescriptorCheckBounds - checks the extents specified by the
descriptor and ensures that none specify addresses beyond bound
Inputs: checkDescriptor - the descriptor to check
bound - the highest allowable address
Outputs: <none>
Returns: E_BSSuccess if successful
E_BSBlockListBadBlockSize if any extents are mis-aligned
Block Storage I/O Operations
BSStoreConnRead - reads data from the Store indicated by the Connection.
This is the simple version of the call, taking only a single range
Inputs: readConnection - the connection to the Store to be read from
startingOffset - the 64-bit offset into the device to start the
read at
bytesToRead - the 32-bit, unsigned, number of bytes to read
Outputs: buffer - filled in with the bytes read
Returns: E_BSSuccess if successful
E_BSBadConnection if the connection ID has problems
E_BSMPIOutOfStoreBounds if the request exceeds the boundaries of
the Store
E_BSMPIUnitNotResponding if the device does not respond
E_BSMPITransferError if some error was detected during the transfer
E_BSMPIMemoryAccessFault if the destination memory was not accessible
E_BSMPIOutOfResources if a necessary resource (usually memory) could
not be allocated
E_BSMPIMediaRemoved if the media was removed
BSStoreConnWrite - writes data to the Store a Connection indicates. This is
the simple version of the call taking only a single range.
Inputs: writeConnection - the connection to the Store to be read from
srcMem - where the data is to be taken from
destBlocks - the blocks on the Store where the data is to be placed
Outputs: <none>
Returns: E_BSSuccess if successful
E_BSBadConnection if the connection ID has problems
E_BSMPIOutOfStoreBounds if the request exceeds the boundaries of
the Store
E_BSMPIUnitNotResponding if the device does not respond
E_BSMPITransferError if some error was detected during the transfer
E_BSMPIMemoryAccessFault if the destination memory was not accessible
E_BSMPIOutOfResources if a necessary resource (usually memory) could
not be allocated
E_BSMPIMediaRemoved if the media was removed
BSStoreConnReadSG - reads data from the Store indicated by the Connection.
This is the scatter/gather version of the call. The Block List is
generated by the calls above, the Memory List calls can be found in
Inputs: readConnection - the connection to the Store to be read from
srcBlocks - a descriptor indicating the ranges on the device
to be read
destMemory - a Memory List descriptor indicating where the
data is to be placed
Outputs: <none>
Returns: E_BSSuccess if successful
E_BSBadConnection if the connection ID has problems
E_BSMPIOutOfStoreBounds if the request exceeds the boundaries of
the Store
E_BSMPIUnitNotResponding if the device does not respond
E_BSMPITransferError if some error was detected during the transfer
E_BSMPIMemoryAccessFault if the destination memory was not accessible
E_BSMPIOutOfResources if a necessary resource (usually memory) could
not be allocated
E_BSMPIMediaRemoved if the media was removed
BSStoreConnWriteSG - writes data to the Store a Connection indicates. This
is the scatter/gather version of the call. The Block List is
generated by the calls above, the Memory List calls can be found in
Inputs: writeConnection - the connection to the Store to be read from
srcMem - where the data is to be taken from
destBlocks - the blocks on the Store where the data is to be placed
Outputs: <none>
Returns: E_BSSuccess if successful
E_BSBadConnection if the connection ID has problems
E_BSMPIOutOfStoreBounds if the request exceeds the boundaries of
the Store
E_BSMPIUnitNotResponding if the device does not respond
E_BSMPITransferError if some error was detected during the transfer
E_BSMPIMemoryAccessFault if the destination memory was not accessible
E_BSMPIOutOfResources if a necessary resource (usually memory) could
not be allocated
E_BSMPIMediaRemoved if the media was removed
BSStoreConnReadAsync - reads data from the Store indicated by the Connection.
This is the asynchronous version of the simple call, taking only a
single range.
Inputs: readConnection - the connection to the Store to be read from
startingOffset - the 64-bit offset into the device to start the
read at
bytesToRead - the 32-bit, unsigned, number of bytes to read
notification - how the calling app wishes to be notified
Outputs: buffer - filled in with the bytes read
Returns: E_BSSuccess if successful
E_BSBadConnection if the connection ID has problems
E_BSMPIOutOfStoreBounds if the request exceeds the boundaries of
the Store
E_BSMPIUnitNotResponding if the device does not respond
E_BSMPITransferError if some error was detected during the transfer
E_BSMPIMemoryAccessFault if the destination memory was not accessible
E_BSMPIOutOfResources if a necessary resource (usually memory) could
not be allocated
E_BSMPIMediaRemoved if the media was removed
BSStoreConnWriteAsync - writes data to the Store a Connection indicates.
This is the asynchronous version of the simple call, taking only a
single range.
Inputs: writeConnection - the connection to the Store to be read from
srcMem - where the data is to be taken from
destBlocks - the blocks on the Store where the data is to be placed
notification - how the caller wishes to be notified
Outputs: bytesWritten - the number of bytes written
(srcMem must remain a valid memory area until
notification of completion is received)
Returns: E_BSSuccess if successful
E_BSBadConnection if the connection ID has problems
E_BSMPIOutOfStoreBounds if the request exceeds the boundaries of
the Store
E_BSMPIUnitNotResponding if the device does not respond
E_BSMPITransferError if some error was detected during the transfer
E_BSMPIMemoryAccessFault if the destination memory was not accessible
E_BSMPIOutOfResources if a necessary resource (usually memory) could
not be allocated
E_BSMPIMediaRemoved if the media was removed
BSStoreConnReadSGAsync - reads data from the Store indicated by the Connection.
This is the asynchronous version of the scatter/gather call.
The Block List is generated by the calls above, the Memory List calls
can be found in <MemoryLists.h>.
Inputs: readConnection - the connection to the Store to be read from
srcBlocks - a descriptor indicating the ranges on the device
to be read
destMemory - a Memory List descriptor indicating where the
data is to be placed
notification - how the caller wishes to be notified
Outputs: <none>
Returns: E_BSSuccess if successful
E_BSBadConnection if the connection ID has problems
E_BSMPIOutOfStoreBounds if the request exceeds the boundaries of
the Store
E_BSMPIUnitNotResponding if the device does not respond
E_BSMPITransferError if some error was detected during the transfer
E_BSMPIMemoryAccessFault if the destination memory was not accessible
E_BSMPIOutOfResources if a necessary resource (usually memory) could
not be allocated
E_BSMPIMediaRemoved if the media was removed
BSStoreConnWriteSGAsync - writes data to the Store a Connection indicates.
This is the asynchronous version of the scatter/gather call. The
Block List is generated by the calls above, the Memory List calls can
be found in <MemoryLists.h>.
Inputs: writeConnection - the connection to the Store to be read from
srcMem - where the data is to be taken from
(the memory areas indicated by srcMem must remain valid until
notification is received)
destBlocks - the blocks on the Store where the data is to be placed
notification - how the caller wishes to be notified of completion
Outputs: <none>
Returns: E_BSSuccess if successful
E_BSBadConnection if the connection ID has problems
E_BSMPIOutOfStoreBounds if the request exceeds the boundaries of
the Store
E_BSMPIUnitNotResponding if the device does not respond
E_BSMPITransferError if some error was detected during the transfer
E_BSMPIMemoryAccessFault if the destination memory was not accessible
E_BSMPIOutOfResources if a necessary resource (usually memory) could
not be allocated
E_BSMPIMediaRemoved if the media was removed
BSStoreConnFlush - Flushes caches for this Store and any Stores this Store
is derived from.
Inputs: flushConnection - the connection to the Store to be flushed
Outputs: <none>
Returns: E_BSSuccess if successful
E_BSBadConnection if the connection ID has problems
E_BSMPIUnitNotResponding if the device does not respond
E_BSMPITransferError if some error was detected during the transfer
E_BSMPIMemoryAccessFault if the destination memory was not accessible
E_BSMPIOutOfResources if a necessary resource (usually memory) could
not be allocated
E_BSMPIMediaRemoved if the media was removed
Block Storage Accessibility Operations
BSStoreConnGoToAccessibilityState - requests that a Store change its
accessibility state to the one desired
Inputs: connection - connection to the Store to change state
newState - the desired state
Outputs: <none>
Returns: E_BSSuccess if successful
BSContainerConnGoToAccessibilityState - requests that a Container change
its accessibility state to the one desired
Inputs: connection - connection to the Container to change state
newState - the desired state
Outputs: <none>
Returns: E_BSSuccess if successful
Block Storage Configuration
BSStoreConnGetInfo - gets information about the Store a Connection indicates
Inputs: infoConnection - the connection to the Store we want info about
Outputs: infoBuffer - the information about the Store
Returns: E_BSSuccess if successful
E_BSBadConnection if the connection ID has problems
BSStoreCreate - creates a new Store. The Store is not added into the Block
Storage Name Store hierarchy.
Inputs: <none>
Outputs: newStore - the ID of the new Store
newStoreConnection - a connection to the created Store
Returns: E_BSSuccess on success
E_BSENoMoreStores if no more Stores can be allocated
E_BSOutOfResources if other resources cannot be allocated
BSStoreConnDeleteAndClose - deletes the Store the current connection
references and closes the connection
Inputs: connection - the connection to the Store to be deleted
Outputs: <none>
Returns: E_BSSuccess on success
E_BSStoreInUse if other connections are open to the Store
BSStoreConnSetPartitionInfo - Sets data in a partition map entry on a Store
Inputs: storeConnection - the connection to the Store
partitionNum - the partition map entry to be set
partitionInfo - a pointer to the new partition map entry info
Returns: E_BSSuccess if successful
E_BSBadConnection if the connection ID has problems
E_BSPPINoPlugIn if the Store does not have a Partitioning Plug-in
E_BSPPIOverlappingPartition if the requested partition overlaps
E_BSPPIOutOfStoreBounds if the request partition exceeds the limits
of the Store
BSStoreConnSetPartitionInfo - Gets data in a partition map entry on a Store
Inputs: storeConnection - the connection to the Store
partitionNum - the partition map entry to be retrieved
partitionInfo - a pointer to the partition map entry info buffer
Returns: E_BSSuccess if successful
E_BSBadConnection if the connection ID has problems
E_BSPPINoPlugIn if the Store does not have a Partitioning Plug-in
BSStoreConnMapPartition - Maps a partition from a Store onto another Store
Inputs: srcConnection - the connection to the source Store
partitionNum - the partition to be mapped
destConnection - the connection to the destination Store
destStartingBlock - where in the destination Store the mapped
partition should be placed
Returns: E_BSSuccess if successful
E_BSBadConnection if the connection ID has problems
E_BSPPINoPlugIn if the Store does not have a Partitioning Plug-in
E_BSPPIMappingNotSupported if the mapping is not supported by either
E_BSPPIPartitionNonExistant if the source partition doesn't exist
E_BSEHierarchyTooDeep if this would create too many layers in the
hierarchy (currently limited to 8)
BSStoreConnGetComponents - Gets the components of a Store.
Inputs: connection - the connection to the Store
tableSize - size of the table to be filled in
componentInfo - a pointer to an array of BSStoreComponentInfos
to be filled in
Returns: E_BSSuccess if successful
E_BSBadConnection if the connection ID has problems
BSStoreConnMapDevice - Maps an entire device into a Store
Inputs: srcDevice - the Name Registry ID of the device
destConnection - the connection to the destination Store
Returns: E_BSSuccess if successful
E_BSBadConnection if the connection ID has problems
BSStoreConnAssociateMappingPlugin - Attaches a Mapping Plug-in to a Store
Inputs: connection - the connection to the Store
mappingPlugin - the identifier of the Plugin to be attached
Returns: E_BSSuccess if successful
E_BSBadConnection if the connection ID has problems
E_BSEPlugInNotFound if the plugin specified can't be found
BSStoreConnAssociatePartitioningPlugin - Attaches a Partitioning Plug-in to
a Store
Inputs: connection - the connection to the Store
mappingPlugin - the identifier of the Plugin to be attached
Returns: E_BSSuccess if successful
E_BSBadConnection if the connection ID has problems
E_BSEPlugInNotFound if the plugin specified can't be found
BSStoreConnPublish - makes a Store available for general use
Inputs: connection - the connection to the Store
Returns: E_BSSuccess if successful
E_BSBadConnection if the connection ID has problems
BSStoreConnUnpublish - removes a Store from general use
Inputs: connection - the connection to the Store
Returns: E_BSSuccess if successful
E_BSBadConnection if the connection ID has problems
BSStoreConnFormat - formats a Store in the specified format
Inputs: connection - the connection to the Store
formatType - the format number from possibleFormats in the
BSStoreInfo structure
Returns: E_BSSuccess if successful
E_BSBadConnection if the connection ID has problems
BSContainerConnGetInfo - gets information about the Container a Connection indicates
Inputs: infoConnection - the connection to the Container we want info about
Outputs: infoBuffer - the information about the Container
Returns: E_BSSuccess if successful
E_BSBadConnection if the connection ID has problems
BSContainerCreate - Creates a new Container. The Container is not added
into the Block Storage Container Hierarchy
Inputs: <none>
Outputs: newContainer - a connection to the newly created Container
Returns: E_BSSuccess if successful
BSContainerConnDeleteAndClose - deletes the Container and closes the
connection to it. No other connections to the Container may be open.
Inputs: deleteContainer - connection to the Container to be deleted
Outputs: <none>
Returns: E_BSSuccess if successful
BSContainerConnInsertContainer - inserts a Container into another Container
Inputs: destContainer - a connection to the Container to insert into
insertContainer - connection to the Container to be inserted
Outputs: <none>
Returns: E_BSSuccess if successful
BSContainerConnPublish - makes a Container available for use. Generates
notifications as necessary
Inputs: publishContainer - connection to the Container to be published
Outputs: <none>
Returns: E_BSSuccess if successful
BSContainerConnUnpublish - removes a Container from general accessibility,
does not delete it. The Container must not have any open connections or
published children.
Inputs: unpublishContainer - the Container to unpublish
Outputs: <none>
Returns: E_BSSuccess if successful
BSContainerConnSetDevice - sets the device the Container plug-in will
associate with. Should be called before BSContainerConnAssociatePlugIn
for bare Containers.
Inputs: connection - a connection to the Container we're associating
the plug-in with
deviceNode - the device the Container plug-in will interact with
Outputs: <none>
Returns: E_BSSuccess if successful
BSContainerConnAssociatePlugIn - Associates a Container plug-in with a
Inputs: connection - a connection to the Container we're associating
the plug-in with
plugIn - the new plug in to be associated
Outputs: <none>
Returns: E_BSSuccess if successful
#endif /* __SOMIDL__ */
#endif /* __BLOCKSTORAGE_IDL__ */